Selasa, 10 Februari 2015

Who we are..

Who we are as individuals is a product of the social context of our lives. We become who we become because of the experiences we have as members of families, communities, ethnic and religious groups, social classes and societies, and the way we are perceived and treated because of our race and gender. This perspective on human development is called social constructivism. 

Of course, there are biological aspects of being human, but we cannot isolate those aspects from who we are as social and cultural beings. All human potential is expressed through a particular culture. I think that we are born with almost infinite potential, but once we become a part of a cultural environment, we are fundamentally altered and shaped by that environment. Our neural structure is shaped by each encounter in our worlds; connections are established and severed and potential ways of being are both nourished and starved. This process continues throughout our lives. As we experience new things, we continually grow and change.

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